About me
As I scanned the lists of suggested phrases and rifled through tubs spilling over with ribbons, buttons and tiny wooden hearts, something felt different…
I was at a women’s retreat in the late noughties, and the leader had been talking us through creating our own mission statements. I’ll be honest, that sort of thing sometimes sets off my cringe detector, but in amongst the tea drinking, biscuit nibbling, ‘pass the glue’ hubbub, I paused for a moment and a sentence slid into my brain fully formed, a little love gift from God. In the end, all I needed was paper and a pen.
“You’re here to inspire and express faith and joy.”
And a bit more
So these days I inspire and express faith and joy as a poet, storyteller, retreat and creative prayer leader, speaker and spiritual director.
If you’d like to get in touch, enquire about booking me for a retreat or church away weekend, or find out more about the spiritual direction I offer, my email address is hello@alijoytinson.com.