
This is the day
I say yes
Yes, Lord, I believe in you
All those Sunday school stories
About arks and rainbows
Plagues and pharaohs
Boys and giants
Dens and lions
They’re all true
They’re all you!
Yes, Lord, I believe in you.
This is the day
I say yes
Yes, Lord, I love you
I’m yours
Today, tomorrow, always
This place
These people
This water
These words
Tell your story in my life.
Yes, Lord, I love you.
This is the day
I say yes
Yes, Lord, I’ll commit to you
And to your people
Your Church
This family
With its quirks and foibles
And ups and downs
Muddling through
United by you
I’ll accept them and love them
And be accepted and loved.
Yes, Lord, I’ll commit to you.
This is the day
I say yes
Yes, Lord, I’ll follow you
To the ends of the earth
And to the end my road
To Church, to Tesco
Wherever you lead.
I’ll live for you
And try to love like you
As you remake me new.
Yes, Lord, I’ll follow you.
This is the day
I say yes.